Check out these curated resources and partnerships dedicated to healing and personal growth.
Bonafide Motion is an affiliate of Andi Locke Mears.
Rebecca Roman discusses yoga, the Feldenkrais Method® and how the two practices connect to heal.
Anat Baniel Method® NeuroMovement® is a cutting-edge, science-based approach that transforms the lives of children and adults, helping them move beyond pain and limitation.
Open the door and have a first impression of Feldenkrais. A film by Mariano Nante and María Zinn.
Bonafide Motion is an affiliate of the SmartBody SmartMind™ program through Irene Lyon.
Looking for a functional or integrative medicine doctor? Grover Health is a preferred partner of Bonafide Motion.
David Webber writes about his experience being declared legally blind and the methods he explored to save his vision, specifically, the Feldenkrais Method®.
Dr. Norman Doidge reflects on the benefits of the Feldenkrais Method® and how many people he helped over the years.
Dr. Moshe Feldenkrais discusses what is health and what it means.
Dr. Peter Levine on the development of the Somatic Experiencing® Approach and the concept of titration.
A documentary about Moshe Feldenkrais and the method he created.